If you choose to support us, your donation would help people with learning disabilities living in Tameside, lead a fulfilling life, reduce isolation and loneliness. Your donation will go directly to supporting our work.
If you choose to support us, your donation would help people with learning disabilities living in Tameside, lead a fulfilling life, reduce isolation and loneliness. Your donation will go directly to supporting our work.
Would you like to give a monthly or single donation?
Would you like to give a monthly or single donation?
In memory giving
Our supporters and/or their families sometimes choose to help People First Tameside by requesting that donations be made to us at their funeral in their memory in lieu of flowers.
There are several different ways in which a memoriam donation can be made; simply choose
whichever method is easiest for you. Donate in Memory:
Via Cheque
If you or a loved one would like to donate to People First in memory of someone then please do not hesitate to contact us on 0161 308 3699.